How To Get The CMI Chartered Manager Status

 How To Get The CMI Chartered Manager Status

Do you want to take your management career to the next level? if yes, attaining the CMI Chartered Manager status is a must for you. It is because it will open countless doors for you leading to growth. So, let’s know what this status is and how you can attain this.

Introduction CMI Chartered Manager status:

The credential of a Chartered Manager is all about professional recognition, and it is the highest status you can achieve in the leadership and management profession.

The credential recognizes those managers who have excellent management and leadership skills and commitment to Continuing Professional Development (CPD), showing to employers and peers the value of a professional approach delivering measurable impact.

It is backed by Royal Chartered, CMI is the only professional organization that can award this credential.

How Foundation Chartered Manager Status can help you:

Foundation Chartered Manager (fCMgr) is a status, which will help you leave others behind in the competition. After that, you can start your management career journey with all the benefits of CMI membership to support you.

This status recognizes you as an individual and shows that you have the foundation skills required to be an effective manager. Besides that, it demonstrates your commitment to further developing those skills to deliver better business results.

Set on your way to attaining the ultimate professional distinction for any leader or manager, full CMI Chartered Manager status, which can have an incredible impact on your confidence, earning potential and career progression.

How to become Chartered?

Attaining a Chartered Manager credential involves showing your latest workplace attainments and how effectively you apply your management skills to deliver positive business results.

There is a fast-track and full assessment process, which depends on your experience and qualification level. Even if you don’t have any formal management qualifications, don’t be tense, CMI will help you become a Chartered Manager using experience alone.

Pathways to the Chartered Manager status:

CMI currently provides three routes to attaining CMI Chartered Status, which depends on your amalgam of management experience and qualifications.

1.   Fast–track:

You can use this route if you:

A CMI Diploma qualification (at level 5 or above) and a minimum of 3 years of work experience in a management role.

How to register?

Get to the team via to ask for registration and for an invoice to be sent to you.

What’s involved and what’s the cost?

This route builds on completing your CMI Diploma qualification and provides a fast-track assessment process considering your prior learning with CMI.

Costs £130 + VAT (plus membership fees where applicable).

2.   Full assessment:

To use this route:

Either: a degree level qualification that is management, business or leadership focused, with 3 years of experience in a management role.

Or: a minimum of 5 years of management experience (equivalent to Level 5 or operational/ senior management level) if you don’t have a management-specific qualification.

How to register:

Reach the team via to request registration and for an invoice to be given to you.

What’s involved and what’s the cost?

Capture details of your recent attainments/positive results. After that, you will work with an assessor to complete the assessment review. It’s up to you to choose between a Written Submission assessment or a Professional Discussion assessment. 

Costs £540+VAT or £855+VAT respectively (with membership fees where applicable)

3.   Apprenticeship EPA:

You can use this pathway if:

You can complete the End Point Assessment using CMI for one of these apprenticeship standards and have related management experience.

Level 5 Operations/Department Manager

Level 6 CMDA

Level 7 SLMDA

There is no need for registration.

What’s involved and what’s the cost?

The Chartered Manager assessment criteria have been built into the CMI assessment at EPA. No extra work and no extra cost for the apprentice are required.

It means:

On the completion of a CMI qualification with the apprenticeship, Chartered Manager status will automatically be given when you pass your apprenticeship.

If having CMI membership support as part of your EPA package, Chartered Manager status will automatically be given when you pass your apprenticeship.

If completing EPA only (no qualification, no membership help)

When passing your apprenticeship, you can complete a form to claim you’re relevant Chartered status.


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