AIPM Australia Membership Benefits

 Attaining an AIPM Australia membership will help you take your career to the next level, improve your skills and connect with Australia’s expert project management professionals.

If still wondering what we said, read the whole article to know the membership benefits.

AIPM Australia membership benefits:

The following are the three major benefits of this membership:

Better career options:

The membership will help you develop your project management skills. For that, you will have AIPM training, mentorship and certification programs. Thus, you will have better career options.

Make your network:

You will be able to connect with your industry leaders, find new job opportunities and spend time with the online AIPM community.

Get exclusive benefits:

This membership will allow you to enjoy member-exclusive resources including project management templates, events, industry reports, insurance discounts and more.

Types of AIPM Australia membership:

It doesn’t matter which level of your professional life you are at, AIPM has an appropriate type of membership for you. The following is a list of the membership types:


Student Membership: If you are an aspiring project professional, you will be able to start your project management career with an AIPM Student Membership.

Individual Membership: If you are an emerging and experienced project professional, move your project career to the next level with the country’s peak project management community.

Organization Membership: Attaining AIPM Organization Membership will allow you to maximize your staff knowledge and performance with an AIPM Organization Membership.


Chartered Project Professional (ChPP):

The Chartered Project Professional (ChPP) credential is a professional benchmark demonstrating your achievement of a defined level of professional practice, technical knowledge and ethical behavior. It is the base of the assessment that you need to pass to attain ChPP status, inclusion on the APM Register of Chartered Project Professionals and have the ChPP post-nominal.

Reasons to apply for a Chartered Project Professional:

The status of the Chartership is an additional step in the certification pathway for AIPM CPPD and CPPE certified members (read below about these two). It recognizes their experience and competency in delivering strategic objectives, as evaluated by the AIPM Project Management certification process.

Reasons to apply for it:

Your profile will attain national and international recognition.

It recognizes your credibility personally from your peers in project management and other professions.

CPPD certification:

AIPM Australia CPPD (Certified Practising Project Director) will validate your competency as a project director, with a high level of expertise. If having been responsible for the management of a minimum of two programs comprising multiple subordinates and interdependent projects in the last three years, it is a perfect level for you.

CPPE Certification:

AIPM Australia CPPE or Certified Practising Project Executive will validate your specialty as a project executive. If you are directly responsible for the management of a project portfolio in your present role, have been for the past three years and provide authorization for the establishment of the programs and/or projects within your portfolio, then it is a suitable level for you.


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