Benefits of CMI Chartered Manager Status

 CMI Chartered Manager, the highest status, is all about the professional recognition you can attain in the management and leadership profession.

This credential recognizes managers with excellent management and leadership skills and commitment to Continuing Professional Development (CPD), demonstrating to employers and peers the value of a professional method that delivers measurable impact.

CMI is the only professional organization that can award this status. Now, let’s further learn how Foundation Chartered Manager status can help you attain this globally-recognized credential.

Foundation Chartered Manager:

Foundation Chartered Manager, fCMgr, is a professional credential that is designed to help you overshadow the competition. Besides that, it will also allow you to start your management career journey with all the benefits of CMI membership for your support.

This status recognizes you as an individual and demonstrates that you have the foundation skills that are required to be a capable manager. In addition, it also helps you show your commitment to further developing those skills to deliver more satisfactory business results.

So, start your way to achieve the ultimate professional distinction for any leader or manager, full Chartered Manager status, which can influence your confidence, earning potential and career progression.

You can also rely on CMI’s brand-new Management Diagnostics tool. This tool will help you benchmark your knowledge and experience against CMI’s Professional Standards and offer you a tailored journey to attaining the status of CMI Chartered Manager.

Benefits of this status for organizations:

This credential shows that you sort out problems and deliver solutions for your organization:

1.   According to 95%, Chartered Managers demonstrate their use of management skills to attain organizational results.

2.   As per 81%, becoming Chartered allows these professionals to use their managerial skills to lead people and manage change.

3.   According to 78%, attaining this status made them capable of positively impacting the broader team in their organizations, such as increased employee engagement.

Benefits for individuals:

This credential will also you to continue developing your skills throughout your career. Let’s know what those who have attained this status say:

1.   As per 91%, their self-awareness has increased.

2.   According to 81%, their management skills have improved.

3.   By 76%, this credential offers them the ultimate competitive advantage.

The value of CMI Chartered Manager Status achievers:

Achievers of this credential make an essential economic contribution to the UK businesses and economy. In uncertain times, never has it been more important to ensure that all UK managers are professionally capable to the highest level.

1.   £13k Average pay increase of a manager achieving a positive CMI assessment for this status.

2.   Chartered Managers increase their business revenue by £62k each year and £310k over a period of 5 years.

£22.4k Additional contribution to the UK economy every year from each manager attaining this status.


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