VETASSESS Customer Feedback Policy

 VETASSESS knows the importance of feedback from customers for the business.


This policy outlines the approach to feedback management including complaints and compliments.

The team at VETASSESS will happily get and respond to all feedback from customers in a professional, respectful and timely manner. In line with the quality principles, a culture of continuous improvement and subsequent feedback is encouraged due to being important for the growth of the business.

The policy adheres to applicable Australian government legal requirements, guidelines, and standards.

The policy is based on the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness. It will be ensured that complaints are recorded, acknowledged, and dealt with effectively, efficiently, and fairly. Any concerns from customers will be dealt with impartially and equitably, respecting all privacy and confidentiality matters.

Scope of this policy:

This policy is for anyone wishing to offer feedback on their experience with VETASSESS.

Policy Details

Its customers may offer feedback by making a complaint, a compliment, or a suggestion for improvement. All feedback is given an equal amount of attention and respect. It is very important for continuous improvement practices and strategy.

A complaint means dissatisfaction with the services and gives it’s the customer a chance to tell their side of the story.

The customer can make a complaint about any aspect of their experience, which includes the assessment process and the assessment outcome, offering the grounds for making the complaint are reasonable.

Reasonable grounds to make a complaint include, but are not limited to the following:

An evaluation decision inconsistent with its published criteria or that you think was made without enough consideration of the proof offered.

Conduct of negligence of any staff members about the evaluation process or outcome.

All complaints will be reviewed, analyzed, and taken to a much higher level by management for attention. Remember whether it is VETASSESS skills assessment or complaint policy, VETASSESS leaves no stone unturned in anything.

How to make a complaint?

The following are the steps to make a complaint:

1.   Lodge your complaint:

Contact the authority and submit your complaint (or compliment) through the Online Feedback Form on its website. Alternatively, you can also reach it by phone at 0359076110.

2.   Acknowledgement:

VETASSESS will generally acknowledge your complaint immediately when it receives it. However, some services may need up to two working days to acknowledge your request.

3.   Investigation:

VETASSESS will investigate the circumstances around your complaint. I may need to reach you for more information at this point.

4.   Response:

It aims to respond to your complaint within ten business days. If you have a complicated complaint, it may need more time. If it happens, it will inform you in writing and give you the reasons why needs more time.


What if you are not satisfied with how your complaint was resolved?

Its complaint process doesn’t remove your right to take further action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.

If dissatisfied with its complaint handling process, you have the right to pursue other legal remedies using related government channels by sending a complaint to the Victorian Ombudsman.


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