Introduction to AIPM

 The Australian Institute of Project Management, whose acronym is AIPM, educates, engages and advocates for the project profession in Australia. It promotes thought leadership and performance in the project arena by getting people and ideas to come close together for project success.


Vision and values:

AIPM’s vision is to promote professional excellence and thought leadership in the project arena, getting people and ideas to be together for Australia’s success.

It exists to lead and represent the project profession in Australia; giving birth to a community and ecosystem enabling project success and the professional advancement of its members.


The institute brings people and ideas together, creating an inclusive community of collaborative and connected project professionals.


AIPM is the voice of the profession, and it represents its members and promotes insights, knowledge and excellence.


It conducts itself with openness and inclusiveness, giving a warm welcome to diverse voices, members and industry sectors.


It is ambitious in its standards and innovative in its approach, giving support to partners and members to deliver project success.

Why should you aim for AIPM membership?

1.   Take your career to the next level:

Attaining an AIPM membership will let you develop your project management skills and promote your career growth with its training, mentorship and certification programs.

2.   Grow your network:

This membership will allow you to connect with peers and industry leaders, find new jobs and immerse yourself in the online AIPM community.

3.   Get exclusive benefits:

By attaining an AIPM membership, you will be able to benefit from member-exclusive resources that include project management templates, events, industry reports, insurance discounts and many more.

How to become a registered project manager?

AIPM’s RegPM Certification program offers a benchmark of excellence for project professionals all over Australia.

Whether you coordinate project plans or lead and direct project teams, AIPM provides certification for every stage of your career.

The following are the six steps for becoming a registered project manager:


1.   Join AIPM:

Only a full AIPM member can have access to its RegPM program. A non-member can join as a member and apply for certification simultaneously:

2.   Apply for RegPM certification:

If an AIPM member but don’t have RegPM status, you should apply for certification.

3.   Assign an assessor:

The RegPM certification needs a formal evaluation of your competency and experience. The institute can allocate an evaluator for you, or you can choose an approved assessor for your evaluation.

4.   Complete your assessment:

It’s mandatory for you to answer questions and have proof to document competence at the level you have chosen to apply for. Your completed evaluation record needs to be submitted to your evaluator within a period of six months of your application date.

5.   Interview:

After evaluating your submission and having an interview with you, your assessor will recommend the result of your application.

6.   Completion of your RegPM certification:

If positive, your name will be put on AIPM’s online register of certified project professionals. In addition, you will receive a certificate of registration whose validity is for three years.


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