Ireland Chartered Engineer Experiential Learning Route

 Applications for Chartered Engineer are evaluated in two stages. The first one is Phase 1 (Educational Requirements), and the second one is Phase 2 (Initial Professional Development). You will note from the regulations that you need to get approval from the Membership and Qualifications Board (MQB) to proceed with the Phase 1 Experiential Learning Route application.

You shouldn’t prepare the Phase 1 Experiential Learning Route application for registration as a Chartered Engineer until the MQB has granted this approval. Remember to be a member in good standing to apply for this assessment.

When you satisfy the requirements as given in the regulations, you can apply for this pre-approval by the submission of the following by mail to


·        200 to 400 words (approximately) statement for each of the seven learning criteria as per Section 5.3.2 of the regulations. Your submission must offer examples of how by means of your experience you have developed learning outcomes substantially equal to an accredited engineering master’s degree. It can be demonstrated by virtue of a combination of experience, qualifications and CPD.

·        Summary of your Career.

·        Continuing Professional Development (CPD)Record.

·        €50 Assessment Fee - if your company is a part of the Professional Subscription Group Scheme, this fee is waived.

Tips for a successful application:

The goal of the assessment is to evaluate if you have developed the learning criteria necessary to the substantial equivalence of an accredited engineering Master’s qualification. It is a totally different assessment from Phase 2. Phase 2 deals with the competencies. Phase 1 deals with learning attained by means of experience CPD and qualifications. You must demonstrate that you satisfy the deficits between your qualification and an accredited engineering Master’s qualification. These criteria can be demonstrated by means of a combination of qualifications/CPD (particularly technical CPD/and engineering experience).

The assessment is to consider how you have deepened and widened your technical ability. You need to provide specific examples of the engineering technical projects you have been involved with, emphasizing your technical involvement, rather than your managerial input.

It’s important that you carefully read the regulations and the guidance document outlining how to approach each criterion.

1.   You need to provide specific examples and show how you fulfill the requirement for each learning criterion, make sure that you provide the information necessary under each of the learning criteria.

2.   Highlight your personal role and responsibilities in the projects.

3.   Avoid general statements like ‘I have developed my knowledge by means of my ten years of experience’. You must demonstrate how you developed this knowledge with specific examples.

4.   Use examples of non-standard/complex projects to emphasize the deepness of your design and technical knowledge. It will help you show that you have deepened and developed your technical and design ability to the required standard for the designation of Chartered Engineer Ireland.

5.   Learning earned from any accredited or unaccredited qualifications or modules completed at a level 8/9 may assist you in demonstrating the criteria. Particularly, if the qualification is in an engineering/technical/scientific level 8 or 9 qualification.

6.   Write your application in the first person, and it must be descriptive. You need to avoid using bullet points. The specific examples of projects you provide must emphasize your personal role and responsibility within the projects.

You must proofread your application to make sure that there are no grammatical or spelling mistakes.


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