What Are ICE EngTech Attributes

 An engineering technician (ICE EngTech) uses proven techniques and procedures to the solution of practical engineering issues.

As a prospective professional civil engineering technician, you are required to have a sound knowledge and understanding of your role in the construction process and the activities that are connected whether that be the design, operation, construction, maintenance, use and demolition of any works. You need to understand the safety implication of the role and fulfill tasks with due consideration for safety.

A successful candidate can demonstrate their competence in all of the areas given, but the deepness of their experience and competence will vary with the nature and requirements of their role. Let’s know the ICE EngTech attributes:


Attribute group: Understanding and Practical Application of Engineering


·        Utilize appropriate, technical, scientific or engineering principles

·        Review and choose appropriate procedures, technicians and methods to take up tasks

·        Identify problems and use appropriate methods to identify causes and attain satisfactory solutions

Attribute group: Leadership and management


·        Identify tasks and organize resources to fulfill them effectively.

·        Work reliably and take up responsibility for their work or the work of others.

·        Fulfill tasks with due consideration for quality


Attribute group: commercial ability:


Organize, identify and utilize resources with consideration of cost


Attribute group: Health, safety and welfare


·        Have awareness of the safety implications of the role

·        Have compliance with safe systems of work

·        Fulfill tasks with due consideration for safety

Attribute group: Sustainable development


Understand the principles of sustainable development and use them in work

Fulfill tasks with consideration for their environmental impact


Attribute group: interpersonal skills and communication


·        Communicate with others, at all levels, in the English language

·        Work effectively with clients, workmates, suppliers and the public

·        Show personal and social skills

·        Show awareness of diversity and inclusion

Attribute group: professional commitment


Understand and stick to the ICE Code of Conduct

Perform and record the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) required to enhance and maintain competence in your own area of practice

Understand the ethical issues that may come up in your role and fulfill your responsibilities ethically


If you can perform all these tasks, then you should aim for becoming an ICE Technician.


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