How To Apply For NER Australia Credential

If you are preparing for migration to Australia as an engineer, then you must have heard of NER Australia. You must be wondering what it is, how it can help you and how to apply for it. The answers to every one of these questions can be found in this article. So, read it attentively. What is NER Australia? The assessment authority, Engineers Australia introduced NER (the National Engineering Register) in 2015. It is a comprehensive directory and a way to recognize those engineers who fulfill the high standards of skill, qualifications and professionalism expected in the industry. NER Engineers Australia provides a national framework of registration for professional engineers, engineering technologists and engineering associates across the public and private sectors. It is a publicly-searchable database, giving individuals and businesses access to an eligible pool of engineers who are endorsed by Australia’s engineering peak body. Eligibility criteria for NER: As an e...