CIOB Chartered Grades

CIOB provides 2 Chartered grades that are open for applications. They are Fellow and Member. Besides that, for a current student, there is a Non-Chartered Student grade. In this article, we will tell you about these two grades. In addition, we will also give you a clear idea of professional review, which is a very important part of the assessment. So, read this article with your undivided attention. CIOB Member grade: The Chartered Membership credential comes with many benefits, including the right to use MCIOB as a post-nominal designation. You can also choose between the descriptor of Chartered Construction Manager and Chartered Builder. As a Chartered Member, you will have the right to vote and apply to become a Trustee, which will enable you to actively participate in the management of the CIOB . A Chartered Member also has other benefits like access to more than 500 events every year, free CPD resources from the CIOB Academy, a complimentary subscription to Constructio...